Coralee's Emporium - Earth Gifts
A little bit of
Energy Resonance Information
drawn from training and experience in the Healing & Wellbeing Field.
Rose Quartz
This semi-precious gem has adorned ornaments and jewellery since ancient times.
Soothing, Calming, Gentle Energy, Self Love
Associated with:-
Chakra Resonance:- Higher Heart (Light Pink Colour Rays)
Quality - Unconditional love & self-acceptance, Self Love, Supports Self-esteem by helping you to get to know your True Self and love yourself.
Rose Quartz Crystal is a Higher Heart gem, known in the energy healing field for its gentle, soothing, unconditional love vibrations, and often known as the heart stone.
In subtle-energy healing like Kinesiology, the Higher Heart Chakra vibrates to pale pink.
Some associations that are given to Rose Quartz rock crystal energy
- Ascended Master, Lady Nada's pink flame.
- Aphrodite The Greek Goddess of Love & Beauty.
- Venus the Planet of Relating and Values.
- The Constellation of Taurus - inner & outer resources.
- The Constellation of Libra - relating to other than self.
- Feminine / Yin Receptive Qualities
- Earth Angel Realm: Incarnated Angel
- Aura Soma - Lady Nada Quintessence & Bottle 52
The more transparent a crystal, the more yang energy it possesses.
The more translucent a crystal, the more yin energy it possesses.