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The Teachings of Abraham - Ask & It is Given

The Teachings of Abraham - Ask & It is Given

Hay House Publishing

Author: Ester & Jerry Hicks

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Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction


Ask & It Is Given is, THE Book, about Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction.

Anything you have heard, or read, about the Law of Attraction probably started here with this incredible team.

Learn how the shift in perception from understanding you are a physical being to you are vibrational being is the key to the Law of Attraction in your Life and how (molecules-of-energy-motion) Emotions are your guidance system for your entire world.

  • Includes 22 powerful processes to achieve our goals.
  • Scale of Emotions
  • Teaches you how not to be, do, or have anything that displeases you.
  • The Hidden Value Behind Your Emotional Reactions

Presenting the teachings of the nonphysical Collective Entity Abraham, will help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you're living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. As you read, you'll come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and more are influenced by the Universal laws that govern your time/space reality - and you'll discover powerful processes that will help you go with the positive flow of life. 

It's your birthright to live a life filled with everything that is good - this book will show you how to make it so in every way!

The most comprehensive volume of the first 20 years of the teachings from Abraham - a loving group consciousness from the non-physical dimension.

Condition: NEW Published Item

Paperback Book: 352 pages, black printed text

Language: American English

Publisher: Hay House UK Ltd 2nd Ed. (8 Jan. 2010)

Printed In: U.K.

Book Size: 23 x 15 x 2.5 cm

Ethical Check: Printed UK | paper, card, no plastics, sent local, eco/recycled packaging


Book Excerpt:-

The Power of Feeling Good Now

We are called Abraham, and we are speaking to you from the Non-Physical dimension. Of course, you must understand that you also have come forth from the Non-Physical dimension, so we are not so different from one another. Your physical world has come forth from the projection of the Non-Physical. In fact, you and your physical world are extensions of the Non-Physical Source Energy.

In this Non-Physical realm, we do not use words, for we do not require language. We also do not have tongues with which to speak or ears with which to hear, although we do communicate perfectly with one another. Our Non-Physical language is one of vibration, and our Non-Physical communities, or families, are those of intention. In other words, we radiate that which we are, vibrationally, and others of like intent assemble. That is also true of your physical world, although most of you have forgotten that this is so.

Abraham is a family of Non-Physical Beings naturally assembled by our powerful intention to remind you, our physical extensions, of the Laws of the Universe that govern all things. It is our intention to help you remember that you are extensions of Source Energy; that you are blessed, loved Beings; and that you have come forth into this physical time-space-reality to joyously create.

All who are physically focused have Non-Physical counterparts. There is no exception to that. All who are physically focused have access to the broader perspective of that which is Non-Physical. There is no exception to that. But most physical Beings have become so distracted by the physical nature of your planet that you have developed strong patterns of resistance that thwart your clear connection to your own Source. It is our intention to help those who are asking to remember that connection.

While all physical humans have access to the clear communication from the Non-Physical, most are not consciously aware of it. And often, even when you are aware that it is possible, you hold habits of thought that act as resistance hindering your ability to consciously interact.

However, on occasion, a clear channel of communication opens and we are able to convey our understanding, vibrationally, to someone who can clearly receive it and translate it. And that is what is happening here through Esther. We offer our knowing, vibrationally, in a way that is similar to what you understand as radio signals, and Esther receives those vibrations and translates them into the physical word equivalent. There are not, however, adequate physical words to convey our satisfaction and joy in being able to offer our knowing to you, in this way, at this time.

It is our powerful desire that you be pleased with where you are right now, in this moment-no matter where you are. We understand how strange these words must sound to you if you are standing in a place that seems far from where you want to be. But it is our absolute promise to you that when you understand the power of feeling good now, no matter what, you will hold the key to the achievement of any state of being, any state of health, any state of wealth, or any state of anything that you desire.

These pages are specifically written to give you a better understanding of yourself and of everyone else around you, and you may find some of that helpful, but words really do not teach. Your true knowledge comes from your own life experience. And while you will be a constant gatherer of experience and knowledge, your life is not only about that-it is about fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy. Your life is about the continuing expression of who you truly are.

You Only Hear What You Are Ready to Hear

We are talking to you at many levels of your awareness, all at the same time, but you will only receive whatever you are now ready to receive. Everyone will not get the same thing from this book, but every reading of this book will net you something more. This is a book that will be read many times by those who understand its power. It is a book that will help physical Beings understand their relationship to GOD and to ALL-THAT-THEY-REALLY-ARE.

This is a book that will help you understand who you really are, who you have been, where you are going, and all that you continue to be.

This book will help you understand that you never, ever get it done.

It will help you understand your relationship with your history and with your future-but, most important, it will awaken within you your awareness of the potency of your powerful NOW.

You will learn how you are the creator of your own experience and why all of your power is in your now. And ultimately this book will lead you to an understanding of your Emotional Guidance System and to an understanding of your vibrational set-point.

Here you will find a series of processes that will assist you in reconnecting with the "Non-Physical" part of yourself; processes that will assist you in achieving anything you desire. And as you apply these processes, and as your memory awakens to the powerful Laws of the Universe-your naturally joyful zest for life will return.


"This is plain and simply, one of the most powerful books I have ever read. One's entire life can change because of what is found here." - Neale Donald Walsch

"This is a great book! My wife and I have enjoyed these profound and extremely practical Abraham teachings for several years" - John Gray

Jerry and Esther Hicks' bestselling title 'Ask and it is Given' is an absolute must for anyone interested in the law of attraction, and using it to better their lives, finances and relationships. - Soul & Spirit Magazine 

A publishing milestone that offers you a blueprint for understanding and implementing your own destiny." -Wayne Dyer, best-selling author of The Power of Intention

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Where the Good Life Starts

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